Enrico Santacatterina

“It’s more than 6 years since I worked in Italy with the Hughes & Kettner distributor, amps I am endorsing.

Between 2011 and 2012 I did a tour of demos for the new Tubemeister, a new tube model for H&K.
It’s a very versatile amp so I was needing a very versatile demonstration guitar….

mmmh, mumble mumble, lately I used to play with some humbuckers guitars, but certanly I did not forget my trusty and faithful Manne. Faithful as it follows me on hundreds of concerts and is always trusty despite the very bad abuse I have given it (I cannot say it is a “relic” but it is essentially worn as much as a Rory Gallager or SRV axe) it never misses a shot.  So I got a new set of 010’s and it is ready for the Tour.

This guitar was put together personally by Mr. Manne and is a mix of old and prototypes pieces from the Taos model. It has two original pickups at the bridge and central positions, and an old Di Marzio in neck position. The bridge is a piezo bridge used on the Semiacustica model and a internal overdrive circuit I developed from an Electroharmonics circuit.

This guitar was probably the one I used most of all in the almost 1500 concerts I played, and even if I had new gear, I never put it down. It could be that I am so used to it, or the affection I have for it, that I have a “balance” with it that I do not feel with others guitars.

So, once again, thanks Mr. Manne”




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