
Electric Guitars & Basses

Multi instruments has been created with ideas and inputs of Daniele Camarda and manne experience and solutions.

We started from the “Ergonomic model” we created to be able to find points of contact with the body of the player and pin strap location to create a perfect ergonomic model.

Then the second step was working on a carton support to develope the points into a pleasing shape. Then the carton became a board to get a better feel of the shape and the balance.


After the shape and sound idea, we defined the circuitry and features to offer a wide variety of sounds and the flexibility to use them in a creative way.

Main features:

All Italian Woods,  semiacustic chambered body.

Body woods:

Paulownia: very light , half a kilo less just on body , then I chamber the neck. sounds very acoustic , with a little less bite, very resonant.

Chestnut : the mostly used , the one I used for scott . sounds open and bold

Sycamore: a little more midrange , like mahogany.

Wood for the top:

Poplar is the first choiche ,  or Walnut, for a lower, deeper, darker sound

Custom piezo at bridge with adjustable height saddles, Manne blades magnetic pickup, button piezo at end of neck to get resonances and noises from the body.


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