Manne’s London Bass show: Idee ed innovazione

London Bass show 4-5 March, London.

We will exhibit 4 basses that represent our current production. They all carry innovations, original bass making solutions and new sound features:


Acustibass is the result of 30 years of continuous developments. Acoustibass sounds were insert in sounds collection for computer music, among classic bass tones, for its particular sound properties. New improvements and bass visions: from the new piezo system to the new bridge material with constant angle of strings on the saddles and suspended bridge. All built following our concept of controlled dumping to obtain realistic acoustic tone. /en/acoustibass/


When Federico Malaman asked us to build something to replace the double bass with a handy and easy instrument, we modified the Vibrabass model to get the point. Built with a specific controlled dumping system developed in 30 years, it recreates the acoustic sound character. /en/vibrabass/


The Woody model is a complete new instrument, far away from classic bass references. Daniele Camarda’s inspiration let us build instruments in a new territory, looking for new bass sound spaces. This bass can be powered with phantom power, providing an XLR DI output, with a real new sound. /en/woody/


Sedona Model is the most traditional bass of our production, but its complete passive circuit can offer an incredible sound canvas in a simple and innovative way. Two selectors for series-parallel-split for each humbucking pickups give all sounds you need without extreme EQ boosts and cuts. Is our personal “organic” view on bass tone manipulation.

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